FW18 - Late Winter / Early Spring Style

FW18 - Late Winter / Early Spring Style

1. Utilitarian but chic 

Let sculptor Barbara Hepworth be your guide. We all need pockets, pants, and not to feel polarized by our clothing. That's why clothing to serves the body, lets it move and accomplish, and can feel so good. 

our answers...

The Potters Coat 

The Origami Pants 

2. Cool-feeling leisure wear

One word: Rihanna 


Our answers... 

The Perfect Pant

The Hearth Top


3. Pared down prim and proper

No one settles into this style better than Tilda Swinton's on-screen personas. 


A Bigger Splash (2015)

I Am Love (2009)

Only Lovers Left Alive (2013)

Our answers... 

The Shirt Dress

The Layering Dress

4. Winter Whites

Georgia O'Keeffe in all white... a dream to behold. And though she was known for her minimal, modern style (AKA lots of black), she looks so pure and elegant in her all-whites.

Our answers...

The Cord Overall in Snow

The Marbled Hearth Dress


We'll be back with more style stuff soon, but until then, XO.

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